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Competition  Rules

The competition consists of four heats on Wednesday 2nd August, Thrusday 3rd August, Friday 4th August, and Saturday 5th August. Final on Sunday 6th August 2023. A maximum of one quarter of the competitors who weigh in fish from each heat will go forward to the final on Sunday. A competitor may take part in one heat only. Only Traditional Wet Fly, Dry Fly, Angling Allowed. Any other methods will disqualify

1 - Any Competitor found trolling flies, baits or lures, spinning or dapping will be disqualified.
2 - Competition starts at l l am, and all boats must be inside the markers by, otherwise Boatmen will be liable to penalties and anglers will be disqualified.
3 - Competition will start in the open lake at 11a.m. and will finish inside the markers in Cushlough Bay at 6 p.m.
4 - No recorded measurement will be accepted from any angler handing in less than 2 fish on the heat days. Weigh in tickets must be completed in full.

5 - A maximum of 4 fish on the final day no recorder measurements accepted
6 - All fish must measure at least 13”/33cm. This dimension is measured from the top of the nose to the fork of the tail. Any short fish presented disqualifies entire catch.
7 -
Each competing angler is responsible for measuring the first 2 fish on the heat day and the first 4 fish on the final day. The boatman who has equipped himself with an official measure is responsible for measuring and recording before returning any other qualifying fish to the lake on all heat days. This will be signed and endorsed by the two anglers.
8 - The committee will not be responsible for accident or loss and all competitors fish at their own risk.
9 - Only Brown Trout shall weigh in.
10 - Cups are perpetual and only held for one year.
11 - The committee reserve the absolute right to postpone, alter or cancel the competition in the event of weather being inclement or for any other reason. All entries are accepted expressly to this condition.
12 - No proxy anglers allowed.
13 - Only single hook flies allowed. Not less than 2 and no more than 4 flies will be permitted.
14 - The competitor with the greatest number of fish will qualify for any prize when two or more anglers have equal weights of fish.
15 - Fishing from the shore is not allowed.
16 - Winners of 1 st, 2nd, 3rd, and Heaviest Fish Prize are not eligible for any other major prizes on Final Day.
17 - Competitors must have only one rod assembled.
18 - Competitors are not allowed to use their own boat or engine. Boatman in control.
19 - Any infringement of the above rules automatically disqualifies the competitor.
20 - All prizes must be collected on Final Night. Committee are not responsible for uncollected prizes.
21 - Competitors should not stand while fishing.
22 - Electronic fish finders may not be used.
23 - The committee’s decision is final in all matters.
24 - All entrants are enrolled as members for the duration
of the competition.
25 - All fish landed must be weighed in.
26 -
Lifejackets are a legal requirement and must be worn at all times

Boatmens'  Rules

1 - Competition Boats must be in good condition of at least 18' and be equipped with an out board of no less than 6 HP.

2 - All Boatmen must ensure that have a suitable landing net and measuring device.

3 - In the interest of safety, any Boatman deemed by the Committee to be driving in an irresponsible manner or attempting to pass the lead boat will be liable to penalties.

4 - Boatmen are independent contractors are in full control. All boats must be inside the markers by 6 pm, otherwise, the Boatmen will be liable to penalties.

5 - No Boat may drift within100 yards of the boat in front, or cut on on a boat adrift.

6 - No Boatman is allowed to fish while acting as a Boatman.

7 - Lifejackets are a legal requirement and must be worn at all times.

Boatmen, please make sure you have a new measure before leaving the shore (contact any Committee Member).


  • All competitors must wet their hands before handling fish

  • Any angler bringing in any under sized fish is liable to prosecution

  • Please do not leave litter on the islands or the shore

  • The World Cup Committee would like to thank Ballinrobe & District Anglers for the use of their facilities

  • All non club members boats to be removed from Cushlough Bay by Monday 7th August

  • Last meal served at 8 pm


Lifejackets are a legal requirement and must be worn at all times
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© 2023 World Cup Trout Fly. All rights reserved.

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